Course Details


Oracle is one of the most popular database management systems used around the globe. It is used to store and retrieve large amount of data in information management.

  • Introduction to Oracle SQL-12c
    1. Understand the basics of relational databases to ensure refined code by developers.
    2. Create reports of sorted & restricted data.
    3. Run data manipulation statements (DML).
    4. Control database access to specific objects.
    5. Manage schema objects, and objects with data dictionary views.
    6. Retrieve row & column data from tables.
    7. Control privileges at the object & system level
    8. Create indexes & constraints
    9. Alter existing schema objects
    10. Create & query external tables.

    Duration: 2 months
  • Oracle Database Administration-12c
    1. Oracle Database Architecture & essential database administration tasks.
    2. Manage database in Oracle Cloud.
    3. Upgrade an existing Oracle Database to Oracle Database 12c.
    4. Create & manage an Oracle Database Instance.
    5. Create & manage storage structures.
    6. Configure Oracle network environment.
    7. Create & manage users.
    8. Create indexes & constraints.
    9. Monitor database & manage performance.
    10. Basic information on backup & recovery techniques.

    Duration: 2 months
  • Oracle Advance Database Administration-12c

    1. Backup & recover Oracle 12c database & administer a multi-tenant environment.

    2. Manage security & performance in Oracle Database Cloud.

    3. Develop & implement appropriate backup & recovery procedures to address business needs.

    4. Diagnose & repair data failures.

    5. Employ Oracle Database recovery procedures to recover from media & other failures.

    6. Configure Oracle network environment

    7. Use Flashback Technologies & data duplication.

    8. Secure database availability.

    Duration: 2 months
  • Oracle PL/SQL-12c
    1. Understand conditionally control code flow (loops & control structures).
    2. Use PL/SQL packages to group & contain related constructs.
    3. Create triggers to solve business challenges.
    4. Use Oracle supplied PL/SQL packages to generate screen & file output.
    5. Create anonymous PL/SQL blocks, functions & procedures.
    6. Declare PL/SQL variables.
    7. Manage PL/SQL subprograms, triggers, declaring identifiers & trapping exceptions.
    8. Understand & influence PL/SQL compiler and manage dependencies.
    9. Create anonymous PL/SQL blocks, focusing on stored procedures & functions.

    Duration: 2 months

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